Trends in Modern Serbian Historiography
Editor: Mile Bjelajac
Editor: Mile Bjelajac
Editors: Božica Slavković Mirić, Milana Živanović, Davor Stipić
The thematic collection of papers "Between Freedom and Anguish: National Minorities in Yugoslavia" was born out of the need to bring together in one place the results of previous researches on the social, cultural and political history of minority, ethnic and religious communities in the territory of Yugoslavia in the period from its creation to the collapse of the state. The articles are focused on various aspects of the life of national minorities in Yugoslavia, such as education, political organization, emigration, identity, economic and social structure, demographic changes, as well as an analysis of how minorities were perceived by the ethnic majority.
Editors: Srđan Mićić and Jovan Čavoški
Editors: Dmitar Tasić, Lela Vujošević
одговорни уредник Алексеј Ј. Тимофејев
Београд: Институт зановију историју Србије; Центар за Руске и Источноевропске студије "М. Јовановић" Филозофског факултета; Информатика;
Москва: Институт за словенске студије РАН; Историјски институт, 2020.
(Београд: Графо сан). - 354 стр