Russia and Serbia at the crossroad of centuries - international conference in honour of A. L. Semjakin
Russia and Serbia at the crossroad of centuries. Andrej Semjakin's Serbian themes. International scholar conferences.
Россия и Сербия на изломе веков. Сербские темы Андрея Шемякина. Международная научная конференция.
INIS, Belgrade, April 19th 2019. Complete video of international scholar conference dedicated to the memory of prof. Andrej Leonidovich Shemyakin (1960-2018).

Tribina INIS 2019 - INIS discussions 2019 - 100th anniversary of CPY establishing
Discussion held on May 14th 2019 was dedicated to establishment of Yugoslavian Communist Party (CPY) 100th anniversary. It was also inspired by the recently published book "A schoolbook for Tito. Comintern and preparation of partisan warfare in Europe", written by Aleksej Timofejev and Milana Zivanović.
Moderator: Bozica Slavković Mirić, PhD.
Introduction: Mile Bjelajac, PhD.

Tribina INIS 2019 - INIS Discussions 2019 - Language debate in socialism
The first discussion in INIS discussions new season is dedicated to the language debates in socialism and has been inspired by the recently published book "Serbia and the language conflict in Yugoslavia 1967", written by Slobodan Selinić.
Moderator: Olga Manojlović Pintar, PhD.
Introduction: Vesna Djikanović, PhD

Tribina INIS 2019 - INIS discussions 2019 - Historical biographies
Moderator: Aleksandar R. Miletić, PhD.
Introduction: Aleksandar V. Miletić, PhD.

Jovan Čavoški PhD. on Chinese television
Dmitar Tasic: Utvrdjivanje partizanske vlasti u Srbiji 1944-45

Instituti Srbije - Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije

Na licu mesta - Skup "Naučna kritika i stručne recenzije"

Aleksandar Raković - Moramo težiti da ponovo ujedinimo sve srpske zemlje!

Dr Slobodan Selinic - Dobro jutro Srbijo - (TV Happy 22.11.2017)